Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Effective Networking or Nail EM

Effective Networking: Proven Techniques for Career Success

Author: Venda Raye Johnson

Learn how to share information, resources, and support to build and maintain effective career and personal relationships.

Interesting book: Flughafenplanung und Management

Nail 'Em: Confronting High-Profile Attacks on Celebrities and Businesses

Author: Eric Dezenhall

While admitting that legitimate claims are lodged against corporations and individuals for acts that harm others, Dezenhall illustrates that in many cases attacks are waged for far less noble reasons. These are not merely communications problems, but real conflicts that can only be stopped when the aggressor is placed in jeopardy. Dezenhall examines the psychology of the attacker, notorious recent cases, his personal experiences from the trenches, facts versus falsehoods, the role of the news media and the Internet, and the popularity of victims in the Culture of Attack that overshadows contemporary America.


Explores the personalities, conflicts, and motivations involved in media attacks on corporations and well-known people, and presents a communication approach to slowing, reversing, and preventing such situations. Examines the psychology of the attacker, notorious recent cases, the role of the news media, and the popularity of victims in contemporary America. The author is a founding partner of a firm that oversees hard news media relations, crises, and marketplace assaults. He served in Ronald Reagan's White House Office of Communications. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)

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