Friday, January 9, 2009

Creating the Marketing Experience or Protectionism and World Welfare

Creating the Marketing Experience

Author: Joe Marconi

CREATING THE MARKET EXPERIENCE: NEW STRATEGIES FOR BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS WITH YOUR TARGET MARKET helps companies create and maintain an effective marketing experience. Noting that marketing productivity is on the decline due to saturation of sales messages, increased customer indifference, and easily copied competitive advantage, this cutting-edge book illustrates that people need to feel kinship with the product and the marketer. Packed with case studies, the book helps marketers create the contexts in which prospects can experience the brand on their own terms without an interrupting sales pitch. Combining the best of publicity/PR and marketing, the book reflects the growth of integrated marketing communications and the decline of paid marketing and media.

Book about: Prairie Cooks or Alexander Harkin

Protectionism and World Welfare

Author: Dominick Salvator

Many of the world's most distinguished economists examine the recent deterioration in the liberal multilateral trading system, the movement toward protectionism, bilateralism and regionalism, and its causes, effects, and possible solutions. The contributors are at the forefront of trade theory, policy and practice, and by collecting together these analyses in a single volume, this book provides a unique survey for students and scholars of economics, and all those concerned with trade theory and policy in business and government.

Table of Contents:
List of contributors
1Protectionism and world welfare: introduction1
2Fair trade, reciprocity, and harmonization: the novel challenge to the theory and policy of free trade17
3The revival of protectionism in developed countries54
4Changes in the global trading system: a response to shifts in national economic power80
5"Fortress Europe" and retaliatory economic warfare99
6US response to foreign industrial policies131
7The current case for industrial policy160
8The case for bilateralism180
9Restrictions to foreign investment: a new form of protectionism?200
10Floating exchange rates and the new interbloc protectionism: tariffs versus quotas221
11The theory of tariffs and monetary policies244
12The economics of content protection266
13The relationship between exchange-rate variability and protection290
14Trade protectionism and welfare in the United States311
15Protectionism and growth of Japanese competitiveness336
16Protectionism in Western Europe371
17Protectionism and the developing countries396
18Trade liberalization - the new Eastern Europe in the global economy419
Author index441
Subject index445

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