Saturday, January 31, 2009

Modern Political Economy or Essentials for Speech Language Pathologists

Modern Political Economy: Old Topics, New Directions

Author: Jeffrey S Banks

Political economy has been an essential realm of inquiry and has attracted myriad intellectual adherents for much of the period of modern scholarship, although its formal split into the distinct disciplines of political science and economics in the nineteenth century has limited the study of important social issues. This volume calls for a reaffirmation of the importance of the unified study of political economy, and explores the frontiers of the interaction between politics and markets. It brings together intellectual leaders from various areas, drawing on state-of-the-art theoretical and empirical analysis from each of the underlying disciplines. Each chapter, while beginning with a survey of existing work, focuses on profitable lines of inquiry for future developments. Particular attention is devoted to fields of active current development.

Table of Contents:
List of contributors
Series editors' preface
1The economics and politics of regulation: perspectives, agenda, and approaches10
2Regulatory commitment and utilities' privatization: implications for future comparative research63
3The political economy of transformation: liberalization and property rights80
4Politics and trade policy108
5Elections, party structure, and the economy145
6The politics and economics of budget deficit control: policy questions and research questions171
7Law, legislation, and positive political theory191
8The rational choice theory of social institutions: cooperation, coordination, and communication216

Read also Cooking the Mediterranean Way or Aggies Moms and Apple Pie

Essentials for Speech-Language Pathologists

Author: Betsy Partin Vinson

Ideal for graduate students transitioning to professional practice, this comprehensive resource covers the "nuts and bolts" of speech-language pathology. The text covers professional issues with ASHA guidelines and practice standards, followed by case law and legislation that dictates professional practice in educational and healthcare settings, completed by a review of the most common communicative disorders and corresponding assessment and treatment guidelines. This all-inclusive manual is recommended reading for students and professionals who are preparing to take the Praxis Examination in Speech-Language Pathology. Speech-Language Pathology / Communication / Medical


Vinson (communication sciences, U. of Florida) begins with coverage of professional issues with ASHA guidelines and practice standards, followed by case law and legislation that dictates professional practice in educational and health care settings. Chapters devoted to the most common communicative disorders and corresponding assessment and treatment guidelines comprise the main part of the text. A resource section lists pertinent websites, organizations, publications, equipment, tests, and materials. Intended for students and professionals, especially those preparing to take the Praxis Examination in Speech-Language Pathology. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Friday, January 30, 2009

Contemporary Models in Vocational Psychology or Marketing Research

Contemporary Models in Vocational Psychology: A Volume in Honor of Samuel H. Osipow

Author: Frederick TL Leong

This state of the art review of models in vocational psychology was published in honor of Samuel Osipow's 40 year career. This volume should serve as a valuable resource for vocational psych researchers, counseling students, and career counselors.


Written by scholars from the United States and Israel, these 12 chapters address various scientific models of vocational psychology. Topics include the PIC model, career self-efficacy, the occupational stress inventory, a cognitive view of vocational interests, cross- cultural assessments of interests and career development, women's career development, career assessment, career counseling, and career services within a university. An introductory chapter describes Osipow's specific contribution to the field. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Table of Contents:
1Some Introductory Notes on Innovations in Career Psychology Inspired by the Legacy of Samuel H. Osipow1
2The PIC Model for Career Decision Making: Prescreening, In-Depth Exploration, and Choice7
3Career Self-Efficacy55
4Samuel H. Osipow's Contributions to Occupational Mental Health and the Assessment of Stress: The Occupational Stress Inventory79
5A Cognitive View of the Nature of Vocational Interests: Implications for Career Assessment, Counseling, and Research97
6Cross-Cultural Assessment of Interests133
7Cross-Cultural Perspective on Super's Career Development Theory: Career Maturity and Cultural Accommodation167
8Women's Career Development: A Postmodern Update207
9Career Assessment: Changes and Trends231
10Career Counseling: The Evolution of Theory257
11Career Services Within the University279
12Toward a Comprehensive Theory of Career Development Dispositions, Concerns, and Narratives295
Author index321
Subject Index331

Book about: Microeconomics or Inheritors Handbook

Marketing Research

Author: David A Aaker

This text takes a "macro-micro-macro" approach toward communicating the intricacies of marketing research and its usefulness to the marketing organization. The book begins with a macro-level treatment of what marketing research is, where it fits within an organization, and how it helps in managerial decision-making. The body of the text takes a micro-level approach, detailing each step of the marketing research process using a decision-oriented perspective. The authors wrap up with a macro-level treatment of the applications of marketing research. As with previous editions, the text provides thorough coverage of the most advanced and current marketing research methodologies, point out their limitations, as well their potential for enhancing research results.


This new edition of a textbook incorporates information on online marketing research related to the Internet. After a brief macro-level discussion of the overarching issues of marketing research and how it fits into organizations, the bulk of the text consists of micro-level approaches to such topics as data collection, descriptive research, data analysis, and applications. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bankruptcy for Paralegals or The Economic Emergence of Modern Japan

Bankruptcy for Paralegals

Author: Janette J Anderson

An practical introductory bankruptcy manual that explains the differences between each Chapter of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. The book's scope ranges from detailed procedural aspects of common bankruptcy litigation practice to the policy and history behind bankruptcy law. It presents broad and substantive discussions of various types of bankruptcy litigation, parties, exemptions, and the history of bankruptcy in the United States. Bankruptcy for Paralegals also emphasizes practical applications by providing detailed instructions for official forms, such as statements and schedules as well as the basics for drafting proceedings and gives explanations of motion practice and a procedural analysis. A valuable book for anyone who needs or wants a clear, concise introduction to the legal aspects of bankruptcy in the United States.

Go to: 70 Classic Mexican Recipes or A in Cooking

The Economic Emergence of Modern Japan

Author: Kozo Yamamura

This useful book explains how Japan succeeded in transforming an agricultural economy into an advanced industrial economy. Each chapter, written by a leading specialist, explains in detail how institutions, the behavior of individuals and firms, and official policies changed in order to enable Japan to accumulate capital, adopt new technology, ensure a skilled labor force, and increase exports of manufactured goods. The authors pay special attention to distinctive Japanese institutions and policies, the effect of the Tokugawa legacy, and the impact of various wars and the global economy.

Table of Contents:
1Economic change in the nineteenth century1
2Industrialization and technological change, 1885-192050
3Depression, recovery, and war, 1920-1945116
4The postwar Japanese economy, 1945-1973159
5Capital formation in Japan203
6Factory labour and the industrial revolution in Japan239
7Entrepreneurship, ownership, and management in Japan294

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Five Keys to Successful Nursing Management or India

The Five Keys to Successful Nursing Management: With Podiatry, Chiropractic, Physical Therapy & Occupational Therapy Words

Author: Springhous

Possibly the most practical nursing management guide, this text provides easy-to-follow strategies and skills for the five keys to successful management: leadership, people, budgeting and finance, quality care, and information technology. Endorsed by the Nursing Management journal and written by well-known nurse managers, this book covers day-to-day and long-term problems supported by completed forms and reports, charts, flowcharts, decision trees, and checklists.

See also: Something Warm from the Oven or Mary Engelbreits Sweet Treats Dessert Cookbook

India: Economic Development and Social Opportunity

Author: Jean Drez

India's success in reducing endemic deprivation since Independence has been quite limited. Recent diagnoses of this failure of policy have concentrated on the counterproductive role of government regulation, and on the need for economic incentives to accelerate the growth of the economy. This book argues that an assessment of India's failure to eliminate basic deprivations has to go beyond this limited focus, and to take note of the role played in that failure by inadequate public involvement in the provision of basic education, health care, social security, and related fields, Even the fostering of fast and participatory economic growth requires some basic social change, which is not addressed by liberalization and economic incentives. The authors also discuss the historical antecedents of these political and social neglects, including the distortion of policy priorities arising from inequalities of political power. Following on from this, the book considers the scope for public action to address these earlier biases and achieve a transformation of policy priorities.

Beginning with an introductory chapter presenting the motivation, focus, and approach of the book, it discusses the respective roles of the market mechanism and government action in economic development and discusses the particular role of public involvement in the fields of health and education. International comparisons of development experiences are brought to bear on the diagnosis of India's successes and failures, and the work discusses the lessons to be learnt from the contrasting development experiences of different states within India, with particular attention to Kerala's outstanding success in socialfields. The authors consider the role of public action and political organization in promoting social opportunities. Attention is drawn, in particular, to the part played by widespread illiteracy in suppressing that process and perpetuating social inequalities. The work also looks at the issue of basic education, including a critical assessment of public policy in this field. The issue of gender inequality is discussed, and the role of women's agency in the expansion of social opportunities for both women and men is explored. The work concludes by consolidating the argument and discussing the policy implication of the analyses presented. A statistical appendix presents a comparative picture of India and other developing countries, and also the comparative performance of different states within India.

This new work by two internationally renowned economists is an important and relevant argument for promoting human welfare.

Table of Contents:
1. Introduction

2. Economic Development through Social Opportunity

3. India in Comparative Perspective

4. China and India

5. Public Action and Social Inequality

6. Basic Education as a Political Issue

7. Gender Inequality and Women's Agency

8. Well Beyond Liberalization

Statistical Appendix

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Growing Prosperity or Case Studies in Contracting and Organization

Growing Prosperity: The Battle for Growth with Equity in the Twenty-First Century

Author: Barry Blueston

The sudden drop in America's productivity rates in the early 1970s has bedeviled a generation of eminent economists. Looking at economic trends stretching back into the nineteenth century, Bluestone and Harrison offer an elegant solution to this long-standing mystery that has dramatic consequences for today's economy. The first to document how productivity increases from revolutionary new technologies-whether the steam engine or the cotton gin-have come only after a considerable time lag, the authors then demonstrate that this has been especially true of computer and information technologies. Indeed, only after two decades of learning to integrate these technologies in our economy, have we begun to see productivity rates reminiscent of our post-war glory days.
This analysis flies in the face of the ruling economic orthodoxy, which posits that controlling inflation and permitting the free flow of finance capital are the sin qua non for sustained growth. Bluestone and Harrison not only show how this "Wall Street Model" is fatally flawed for the diminished role it assigns to productivity, but reveal how its set of policies have the potential to sabotage our economy's current health. Growing Prosperity is a beautifully argued and sure to be controversial work that goes beond critique to envision a way to add as much as $3.2 trillion dollars to our economy. With its provocative thesis and its clear proscriptive message, it will be of great interest to all with a stake in our economic future.

Publishers Weekly

To many observers, the strong performance of the U.S. economy in recent years may seem mysterious. Most mainstream economists credit the Wall Street-Pennsylvania Avenue Accord, "based on balanced federal budgets, free trade, flexible labor markets, and a firm monetary policy," for our economic success. While acknowledging the benefits of these factors, Bluestone, a professor of political economy at Northeastern University, and Harrison, who until his death last January was a professor at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government (coauthors of The Deindustrialization of America, etc.), find the source of our growth elsewhere, in increased productivity. They begin by examining a perplexing period in American economic life, between 1973 and 1995, in which productivity growth was a mere 1.2%. The conundrum is how to explain the rise in productivity growth to 2.0% since 1996. Bluestone and Harrison claim that the increase and resulting gains in GDP have occurred as a result of improvements in information technology. As in their previous writings, the authors challenge conventional thinking. Unrepentant Keynesians, Bluestone and Harrison argue persuasively for replacing the Wall Street model with pro-Main Street policies, contending that renewed government investment in research and development and infrastructure, the promotion of liberalized trade with environmental and worker protections, rising wages and greater employment security can advance social justice and economic growth simultaneously. (Jan.) Copyright 1999 Cahners Business Information.

Library Journal

Bluestone (political economy, Northeastern Univ.) and the late Harrison (Kennedy Sch. of Government, Harvard) have produced a scholarly, well-written, and very readable book on current economic policy and issues. After tracing the history of the U.S. economy since the end of World War II, the authors examine the current state of the economy. They note the role of technology and its effect on productivity and current economic policy and agree that low inflation and a budget surplus contribute to our present prosperity. But they emphasize that to help ensure continued growth, government spending in areas such as infrastructure, research and development, and education must take priority. Government policies regarding labor and wages must also be changed to gurarantee that the population can afford to take advantage of all that technology has to offer. The authors' perspective offers students, professionals, and others interested in political science, economics, and business a much-needed reassessment of our current and future prospects. A good choice for large public and academic libraries.--Steven J. Mayover, Free Lib. of Philadelphia Copyright 2000 Cahners Business Information.

What People Are Saying

Richard Gephardt
Bluestone and Harrison have alerted us to the key issue confronting America: how to achieve growth with equity.... This is the blueprint for the terms of that debate.
— U.S. Rep. Richard Gephardt, House Democratic Leader

Table of Contents:
Preface to the Paperback Edition
1Growth with Equity1
2A History of American Growth27
3America's New Growth Potential50
4The Wall Street Model102
5The Wall Street Model: Too Little Long-Term Growth138
6The Wall Street Model: Too Much Long-Term Inequality182
7The Main Street Model for Growth with Equity205
8From Wall Street to Main Street: Economic Policy for the Twenty-first Century237

See also: Pro Tools LE and M Powered or Hacking Exposed Web Applications

Case Studies in Contracting and Organization

Author: Scott E Masten

Case Studies in Contracting and Organization is an edited collection of empirical studies from the transaction-cost economics literature on contracting and organization. Derived from the work of Ronald Coase, 1991 winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, Olive Williamson, and other transaction-cost economists, the studies explore such fundamental organizational issues as the role of reputation, the purpose and limitations of contracts, the nature and boundaries of the firm, and the evolution and role of hybrid organizational forms such as franchising, leasing, and joint ventures. Industries covered include aerospace, automotive, electric power generation, fast food, natural gas, ocean shipping, petroleum, coke refining, rail transportation, soft drink distribution, shoe manufacturing, and tuna processing. An introductory chapter provides an overview of transaction-cost reasoning and a summary of each study's contributions to our understanding of the problem of economic organization. The relatively nontechnical nature of the readings makes the book accessible to business and law students as well as advanced undergraduate and graduate students of economics.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Economic History of Puerto Rico Instiutional Change and Capitalist Development or Introduction to Group Work Practice

Economic History of Puerto Rico - Instiutional Change and Capitalist Development

Author: James L Dietz

Interweaving findings of the 'new' Puerto Rico historiography with those of earlier historical studies, and using the most recent theoretical concepts to interpret them, James Dietz examines the complex manner in which productive and class relations within Puerto Rico have interacted with changes in its place in the world economy.

Book review: Healing Tonics or Williams Sonoma

Introduction to Group Work Practice

Author: Ronald W Toseland

An Introduction to Group Work Practice, 6/e


By: Ronald W. Toseland of the University at Albany, State University of New York

& Robert F. Rivas of Siena College


Basic Approach

The perfect text for preparing students to work with either treatment (ongoing) or task (special focus) groups, this newly revised edition offers the most up-to-date research available in the social work field.

An Introduction to Group Work Practice, Sixth Edition, continues to stress the importance of developing skills in group work and provides the most comprehensive information available on the market today. Students receive thorough preparation in areas that vary from treatment to organizational and community settings. The addition of new case studies, practice examples, and guiding principles adds to the ease and readability of this popular text.

Highlights of the New Edition 
• MyHelpingKit: A multimedia tool that contains Video Clips, Learning Objectives, Chapter Summaries, Flashcards, Research Navigator access, Cases, and more! (Available at no additional charge for students when value-packaged with a new textbook.  Please contact your local sales representative for ).
• New section on working with self-help groups.
• Expanded and updated research-based literature throughout that exposes students to more evidence-based practice and includes many examples from the authors' real life cases
• Contains many more short case examples throughout the text allowing students to see how content can be applied in practice settings, helping to reinforce chapter content.
• Greater focus on short-term psycho-educational groups.
• New techniques such as visualization and deep breathing have been added to the working stage of treatment groups.
• A new section on working with involuntary group members prepares students for leadership roles in groups with mandated clients in the beginning as well as the middle stages of group work.

What Your Colleagues are Saying


“I am very comfortable with the approach of this text. It feels very ordered and natural. I particularly like how the chapters move through the various phases of group work, beginning with more general information (group dynamics, leadership) and moving through the progressive stages of group development (planning, beginning, middle, and ending stages).”

 -- Matthew T. Theriot, University of Tennessee-Knoxville

“This text is an excellent one! There are several strengths including: a very structured approach to leading groups. The text includes both treatment/intervention groups and task groups, which is a plus! I really like the textboxes with bulleted summaries, and the short vignettes. I think that the authors have a very inviting writing style . . . which makes it a useful text to teach content.”

 — Nancy Kropf, Georgia State University



The third edition includes a sharper focus on generalist practice and on typologies which illustrate group work practice (both treatment groups and task groups) at the micro, meso, and macro level. Additions include a new chapter on leadership and diversity, and new material on confidentiality, telephone and computer groups, dealing with conflict, and working with reluctant and involuntary group members. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Working Knowledge or Organizational Behavior with Student CD ROM and InfoTrac

Working Knowledge: Skill and Community in a Small Shop

Author: Douglas A A Harper

A number of years ago, Douglas Harper moved to northern New York to teach in a small college. Upon his arrival there his department chairman noted his eight-year-old Saab and said, "You'll be meeting Willie." Haper spent the next years establishing not only a working relationship but a friendship with Willie. In Working Knowledge, he introduces us to Willie, a mechanic and jack-of-all-trades. With this engaging and insightful profile—part biography, part ethnography, and part photo essay—Harper documents what Willie does and how he does it. Harper's dignified portrait captures a disappearing feature of modern life—the essential human factor in the world of work.

Table of Contents:
1. The Nature of Work
The Evolution of Practical Labor
Learning and Teaching
Disassembling Intuition
Work as Bricolage
Knowledge in the Body
Work and Time
2. Contexts of Work
Work and the Environment
Work and Self
The Moral Universe of Work
Work and Community

Book review: Stress and Job Performance or OLeary Series

Organizational Behavior with Student CD-ROM and InfoTrac

Author: Don Hellriegel

Organizational Behavior, 10th edition presents classic and emerging organizational behavior trends and research, making the subject both accessible and meaningful for learners. To make the connection between theory and practice, the authors include timely examples, exercises, and high-interest cases. To help learners focus and understand the importance of organizational behavior, the authors introduce seven managerial competencies that are essential to being an effective leader or member of an organization. These competencies are introduced early and woven throughout in special features, exercises, and an interactive self-assessment tool.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Regulation of U S Equity Markets or Accounting Principles Chapter 1 13

Regulation of U. S. Equity Markets

Author: Robert A Ed A Schwartz

In the past quarter of a century, the peace of structural change in the equity markets has accelerated dramatically and, as it has, regulation has come to play an increasingly central role in the development of market structure. The purpose of Regulation of U.S. Equity Markets is to consider regulation's contribution to the efficiency of the U.S. equity markets. Sharply different opinions are expressed on the matter, as the discussion ranges from Congressional oversight, to SEC involvement in market structure issues, to the self-regulatory responsibilities of the market centers, most notably, the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq Stock Market.

Table of Contents:
List of Participants
Conference Sponsors
Ch. 1View from the NYSE1
Ch. 2The Broad Perspective7
Ch. 3View from the AMEX29
Ch. 4Impact on the Trading Desks37
Ch. 5View from NASDAQ55
Ch. 6View from the Sec-Promoting Fair and Efficient Markets as a Regulatory End59
Ch. 7Development of Alternative Markets75
Ch. 8Implications for Innovation, Competition and Efficiency93
Ch. 9The Regulators' Perspective109
Participant Biographies125

Book review: Experimento de sistema informativo de direção

Accounting Principles, Chapter 1-13, Vol. 1

Author: Jerry J Weygandt

Covers the traditional and managerial issues while ensuring that students understand the importance of accounting in the world today. A heavy emphasis is placed on decision making, communication, ethics and critical thinking. The text demonstrates how leading corporations utilize accounting information and gives students a context for the concepts they are learning.


This colorful textbook covers merchandising operations, inventories, information systems, internal control and cash, receivables, plant assets, payroll, and partnerships. The CD-ROM contains an accounting cycle tutorial and demonstration problems. The 2000 annual report for Lands' End serves as a supplement for the sixth edition. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Introduction to Information Systems or Boundaries and Allegiances

Introduction to Information Systems

Author: Judith C Simon


With the purchase of INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION SYSTEMS, students get access to the Interactive Journal for the duration of the course and a complimentary 10-week subscription to the print edition of The Wall Street Journal!

The Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition contains articles and activities that put the reader at the cutting-edge of today's information systems world. From award-winning reports about current practices, to a goldmine of resources for research and advice on career development, the Journal offers essential tools for business success!

Best of all, the INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION SYSTEMS Web site integrates the rich variety of learning and career development opportunities of the Journal with chapter learning activities.

For example details on accessing your Wall Street Journal print and Interactive Journal through the Simon Web site, see the Password Registration Card enclosed in the book.


Aimed at undergraduate as well as graduate students, this text presents an introduction to information systems and their use in business. Topics include the components of an information system, the use of the Internet for electronic commerce, system software and hardware, and working with information systems developers. Each chapter contains a management perspective, a global perspective, and an ethical or social perspective. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

See also: Pearsons Clinical Medical Assisting or On the Edge of the Auspicious

Boundaries and Allegiances: Problems of Justice and Responsibility in Liberal Thought

Author: Samuel Scheffler

This exceptional work--a collection of eleven essays by one of the most fascinating moral philosophers currently writing--explores a perspective that is at once sympathetic towards and critical of liberal political philosophy. The essays address the capacity of liberal thought, and of the moral traditions on which it draws, to accommodate a variety of challenges posed by the changing circumstances of the modern world. They also consider how, in an era of rapid globalization, when our lives are structured by social arrangements and institutions of ever-increasing size, complexity, and scope, we can best conceive of the responsibilities of individual agents and the normative significance of our diverse commitments and allegiances. Linked by common themes, the volume examines the responsibilities we have in virtue of belonging to a community, the compatibility of such obligations with equality, the demands of distributive justice in general, and liberalism's relationship to liberty, community, and equality.

Table of Contents:
1Responsibility, Reactive Attitudes, and Liberalism in Philosophy and Politics12
2Individual Responsibility in a Global Age32
3Families, Nations, and Strangers48
4Liberalism, Nationalism, and Egalitarianism66
5The Conflict between Justice and Responsibility82
6Relationships and Responsibilities97
7Conceptions of Cosmopolitanism111
8The Appeal of Political Liberalism131
9Rawls and Utilitarianism149
10Justice and Desert in Liberal Theory173
11Morality Through Thick and Thin: A Critical Notice of Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy197

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Cases and Materials on Products Liability or Dolor y Alegria

Cases and Materials on Products Liability

Author: David A A Fischer

The material addresses the application of negligence, misrepresentation, and warranty law to products cases. Also addresses various aspects of strict tort liability. Specific topics are broken out to help teachers easily choose among topics. Deals with causation, scope of liability, punitive damages, contribution and indemnity, defenses, and parties and transactions governed by strict liability—covers issues that are relevant to all pertinent theories of recovery.

Go to: Reflections Under the Sun or Recipes from an Italian Terrace

Dolor y Alegria: Women and Social Change in Urban Mexico

Author: Sarah LeVin

In Dolor y Alegría (Sorrow and Joy), fifteen mothers, grandmothers, and great grandmothers in the Mexican city of Cuernavaca speak about the dramatic effects that urbanization and rapid social change have had on their lives. Sarah LeVine deftly combines these autobiographical vignettes with ethnographic material, survey findings, and her own observations. The result is a vivid picture of contrast and continuity.
While many earlier publications have focused on the poor of Latin America who live at the margins of urban life, Dolor y Alegría explores the experiences of ordinary working and lower-middle class women, most of them transplants from villages and small towns to a densely populated city neighborhood. In their early years, many experienced family disruption, emotional deprivation, and economic hardship; but steadily increasing educational opportunities, improved health care, and easily available contraception have significantly altered how the younger women relate to their families and the larger society.
Today’s Mexican schoolgirl, LeVine shows, is encouraged to apply herself to her studies for her own benefit, and the longer she remains in school, the greater the self-confidence she will carry with her into the world of work and later into marriage and motherhood. Hard economic times have forced many married women into the workplace where their sense of personal efficacy is enhanced; at the same time, in the domestic sphere, their earnings allow them greater negotiating power with husbands and male relatives. Changes are not confined to the younger generation. Older women are enjoying better health and living longer; but withadult children either less able or willing to accept responsibility for aged parents than they were in the past, anxiety runs high and family relations are often strained.
Dolor y Alegría takes a close look at the efforts of three generations of Mexican women to redefine themselves in both family and workplace; it shows that today’s young woman has very different expectations of herself and others from those that her grandmother or even her mother had.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Change Leader or Stat Medical Office Emergency Manual

Change Leader: Using a Gestalt Approach with Work Groups

Author: H B Karp

A how-to micro-approach to implementing change

For the first time, here is a practical, basic guide to leading individuals and groups through change, from a Gestalt perspective. Step-by-step, this reference guide shows you how to lead change efforts and implement them with maximum results.

Taking a micro-approach to change, this unique resource is presented in workbook form to teach you:

  • The roles that power and self-interest play in the change process
  • What power really is and how it works
  • Aspects of, assumptions about, and steps in the change process
  • The role of the change leader and styles of change leadership
  • How to frame and present the demand for change
  • How to develop a change contract with the group
  • How to explore the change and obtain commitment to it
  • What resistance really is and how to work with it
  • How to negotiate aspects of the change
  • What situational exclusion is and when to use it
  • How to conduct the change meeting and implement the change
Packed with action steps, examples, and activities for the change leader and the group, The Change Leader is a necessary reference for every manager, trainer, and consultant called on to effect change and organizational improvement.

Interesting book: Chicks Battle the Dudes or In Nirmalas Kitchen

Stat! Medical Office Emergency Manual

Author: Jeryll Tuttle Yoder

This is an ideal resource for continuing education credits for the certified medical assistant

Table of Contents:
Introduction. UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS. Introduction. EMERGENCY PROCEDURE GUIDES. Introduction. Psychological First Aid. BASIC TELEPHONE TECHNIQUE AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDELINES. Introduction. Response Guidelines. Emergency Telephone Techniques. Telephone Response Procedural Guidelines for Patient Complaints. Heat Emergencies. Seizures. Fever. Animal Bites. Burns. Fractures. DOCUMENTATION. Introduction. Charting Methods. Subjective and Objective Charting. Common Recordkeeping Errors. General Guidelines for Documentation. Emergency Recordkeeping. PSYCHOLOGICAL FIRST AID. Introduction. Skills for Dealing with Patients and Their Families in the Office. Interviewing. Common Barriers. RESPIRATORY EMERGENCIES. Introduction. Pathophysiology, Signs and Symptoms, Causes and Emergency. Treatment. CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES. Introduction. CPR. Following the Emergency. BLEEDING/HEMORRHAGE. Introduction External Bleeding Control Techniques. Internal Bleeding. SHOCK. Anatomical Overview. Signs and Symptoms of Shock. Emergency Treatment. ANAPHALACTIC SHOCK. SUDDEN ILLNESS. STRESS AND BURNOUT. SPECIAL LEGAL ISSUES. LEGAL DOCUMENTATION. RECOGNIZING VICTIMS OF ABUSE AND NEGLECT. CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT. ADULT VICTIMS OF ABUSE. Introduction. Societal Perceptions. Rape. Elder Mistreatment. Glossary. Bibliography. Appendix A: DACUM Guidelines. Appendix B: Universal Precautions Guidelines-OSHA. Appendix C: Frequently Used Telephone Numbers. Appendix D: Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Agencies. Appendix E: State Aging and Adult Protective Services.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Partisan Politics Divided Government and the Economy or Personal Finance8th Edition

Partisan Politics, Divided Government, and the Economy

Author: Alberto Alesina

This book explores how the political process in the United States influences the economy and how economic conditions influence electoral results. It explains how the interaction between the President and Congress lead to the formulation of macroeconomic policy and how the American voters achieve moderation by balancing the two institutions. Fluctuations in economic growth are shown to depend on the results of elections and, conversely, electoral results to depend on the state of the economy. The final chapter of the book establishes striking similarities between the American political economy and other industrial democracies.

See also: Vegetarian Times Low Fat Fast Pasta or Cocina y Comidas Hispanas

Personal Finance,8th Edition

Author: Robert S Rosefsky

This friendly guide provides comprehensive coverage of all basic money management principles. Enables readers to understand not only the implications of far-reaching events but also the fundamental knowledge to navigate the world of personal finance. Describes how to effectively manage personal assets- from buying and selling to investing, insuring, planning and preparing income taxes.


Focusing on personal finance issues most important to daily life, this textbook covers family economics, housing matters, banks and credit, investing, and financial planning. Specific advice is offered on matters like budgeting, sensible shopping, avoiding frauds, buying a home, the stock market, insurance, estate planning, and taxes. A companion Web site offers frequent updates and resources. Rosefsky has taught business and economic reporting at the University of Southern California, and financial planning at UCLA. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Table of Contents:
Get the Picture?
Pt. 1Family Economics
Ch. 1The Economy: How It Works and What It Means to You3
Ch. 2Working, Planning, and Budgeting32
Ch. 3Sensible Shopping and Spending75
Ch. 4Frauds and Swindles and How to Avoid Them108
Ch. 5Transportation: Buying, Financing, and Insuring Your Cars134
Pt. 2A Roof Over Your Head
Ch. 6Buying a Home161
Ch. 7Financing a Home185
Ch. 8Housing Costs and Regulations210
Ch. 9Renting228
Ch. 10Selling Your Home248
Pt. 3Where the Money is
Ch. 11Financial Institutions269
Ch. 12Credit and Borrowing301
Pt. 4Making Your Money Grow
Ch. 13Making Your Money Grow: An Overview333
Ch. 14Making Your Money Grow: The Money Market352
Ch. 15Making Your Money Grow: The Stock Market384
Ch. 16Making Your Money Grow: Real Estate and Other Opportunities431
Pt. 5Protecting What You Work for
Ch. 17Life, Health, and Income Insurance469
Ch. 18Financial Planning for Later Years515
Ch. 19Estate Planning551
Ch. 20Income Taxes579
Ch. 21Working for Yourself615

Philosophy and Practice of Organizational Learning Performance and Change or Whither Globalization

Philosophy and Practice of Organizational Learning, Performance and Change

Author: Jerry W Gilley

In this book, the authors integrate the three dominant approaches to organizational development-learning, performance, and change-to create a dynamic lens through which to analyze any HRD program or initiative.

Book about: Judô Verbal Caminho de Liderança:Autorizar a Linha Azul Fina do Interior

Whither Globalization?: The Vortex of Knowledge and Ideology

Author: James H Mittelman

Globalization is usually said to be about markets, power and culture. Whither Globalization? goes further, arguing that globalization may also be understood as a way of knowing and representing the world. Mittelman debunks several prevalent myths about globalization and 'anti-globalization', presenting alternatives to this force and indicating a new common sense about future world order. Drawing on considerable original research, this book shows how globalization itself and globalization studies have changed since 9/11. Compact and accessible, Whither Globalization? is a major contribution to the study of globalization by one of the leading scholars in the field and is essential reading for students of international relations and international political economy.

Key content includes:
Part 1: Power
Part 2: Knowledge
Part 3: Ideology
Part 4: Transformative Possibilities

Table of Contents:
1The power of globalization3
2Mapping globalization15
3Globalization : an ascendant paradigm?21
4Critical globalization studies34
5Ideologies and the globalization agenda47
6'Common-sense' representations of globalization protests (co-authored with Glenn Adler)56
7Bringing in micro-encounters75

Human Resource Management or Essentials of Health Care Marketing

Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice

Author: John Bratton

Human Resource Management offers a comprehensive and accessible analysis of contemporary theories and concepts in key human resources activities. It encourages students to think critically and evaluate the nature of HRM in order to develop a deeper understanding of employment relations. This fourth edition has been thoroughly updated including new material on: the contemporary context of HRM; new employment-related topics, such as flexibility, emotional labour, knowledge work; diversity in work organizations, a new discussion on workplace wellness; partnership strategies; ethics in HRM; and new legislation. Reflecting the growing emphasis on global management, it features a new chapter on International HRM.

Table of Contents:
List of figures
List of tables
Useful HRM web links
About the authors
Letter to student
Letter to lecturer
List of abbreviations
Pt. 1The human resource management arena1
1The nature of human resource management3
2Strategic human resource management37
Pt. 2The human resource management context73
3The context of human resource management75
4Work and work organization113
5Health and safety149
Pt. 3Human resource management practices189
6Human resource planning191
7Recruitment and selection221
8Appraisal and performance management249
9Reward management276
10Human resource development316
11Employee relations357
12Union-management relations393
Pt. 4The evaluation context427
13Evaluating human resource management429
14Conclusion: Whither HRM?464
App. ACIPD Code of professional conduct and disciplinary procedures480
App. BThe European Union Social Charter483
Author index522
Subject index528

Read also El Acto Matrimonial Despues De Los 40 or Complete Kids Allergy and Asthma Guide

Essentials of Health Care Marketing

Author: Eric N Berkowitz

Essentials of Health Care Marketing, Second Edition, is a complete curriculum of marketing management tools and techniques and is ideal for graduate courses, though advanced undergraduates can readily grasp the level of presentation. This book provides the reader with a foundational knowledge of the principles of marketing and their application in health care. Moreover, as health care has changed over the past 20 years, this text provides a perspective of how the application of marketing principles also must shift in terms of their strategic application to respond to the changing environmental forces of the marketplace.

Ross M. Mullner

This new introductory text on healthcare marketing is authored by the Chairman of the Department of Marketing at the School of Management of the University of Massachusetts. According to the author, the purpose is to provide the reader with a thorough understanding of principles and concepts of marketing as they apply to healthcare organizations, including both traditional fee-for-service and managed care organizations. Because of the numerous recent changes in the healthcare industry and the resulting greater competition for patients, this book is a needed addition to the growing number of books on healthcare marketing. The audience for this new book includes students (both at the undergraduate and graduate level) and healthcare practitioners, including physicians and managers. This comprehensive book contains 409 pages divided into 13 chapters, a glossary, and an index. The book is well illustrated, contains many current references, and has an extensive glossary of current marketing terms. The book is also well indexed. This is a well written and easy-to-read book. It deals with an important new topic of interest in healthcare, and it provides a clear overview of the field of healthcare marketing. Its main usefulness is to the student or professional who is not familiar with the basic concepts of marketing or the various types of healthcare organizations.

Doody Review Services

Reviewer: Ross M. Mullner, PhD, MPH (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Description: This new introductory text on healthcare marketing is authored by the Chairman of the Department of Marketing at the School of Management of the University of Massachusetts.
Purpose: According to the author, the purpose is to provide the reader with a thorough understanding of principles and concepts of marketing as they apply to healthcare organizations, including both traditional fee-for-service and managed care organizations. Because of the numerous recent changes in the healthcare industry and the resulting greater competition for patients, this book is a needed addition to the growing number of books on healthcare marketing.
Audience: The audience for this new book includes students (both at the undergraduate and graduate level) and healthcare practitioners, including physicians and managers.
Features: This comprehensive book contains 409 pages divided into 13 chapters, a glossary, and an index. The book is well illustrated, contains many current references, and has an extensive glossary of current marketing terms. The book is also well indexed.
Assessment: This is a well written and easy-to-read book. It deals with an important new topic of interest in healthcare, and it provides a clear overview of the field of healthcare marketing. Its main usefulness is to the student or professional who is not familiar with the basic concepts of marketing or the various types of healthcare organizations.


3 Stars from Doody

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Effective Networking or Nail EM

Effective Networking: Proven Techniques for Career Success

Author: Venda Raye Johnson

Learn how to share information, resources, and support to build and maintain effective career and personal relationships.

Interesting book: Flughafenplanung und Management

Nail 'Em: Confronting High-Profile Attacks on Celebrities and Businesses

Author: Eric Dezenhall

While admitting that legitimate claims are lodged against corporations and individuals for acts that harm others, Dezenhall illustrates that in many cases attacks are waged for far less noble reasons. These are not merely communications problems, but real conflicts that can only be stopped when the aggressor is placed in jeopardy. Dezenhall examines the psychology of the attacker, notorious recent cases, his personal experiences from the trenches, facts versus falsehoods, the role of the news media and the Internet, and the popularity of victims in the Culture of Attack that overshadows contemporary America.


Explores the personalities, conflicts, and motivations involved in media attacks on corporations and well-known people, and presents a communication approach to slowing, reversing, and preventing such situations. Examines the psychology of the attacker, notorious recent cases, the role of the news media, and the popularity of victims in contemporary America. The author is a founding partner of a firm that oversees hard news media relations, crises, and marketplace assaults. He served in Ronald Reagan's White House Office of Communications. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Strangers in Blood or Decision Making for Technology Executives

Strangers in Blood: Fur Trade Company Families in Indian Country

Author: Jennifer SH Brown

For two centuries (1670 - 1870), English, Scottish, and Canadian fur traders voyaged the myriad waterways of Rupert's Land, the vast territory charted to the Hudson's Bay Company and later splintered among five Canadian provinces and four American states. The knowledge and support of northern Native peoples were critical to the newcomer's survival and success. With acquaintance and alliance came intermarriage, and the unions of European traders and Native women generated thousands of descendants. Jennifer Brown's Strangers in Blood is the first work to look systematically at these parents and their children. Brown focuses on Hudson's Bay Company officers and North West Company wintering partners and clerks - those whose relationships are best known from post journals, correspondence, accounts, and wills. The durability of such families varied greatly. Settlers, missionaries, European women, and sometimes the courts challenged fur trade marriages. Some officers' Scottish and Canadian relatives dismissed Native wives and "Indian" progeny as illegitimate. Traders who took these ties seriously were obliged to defend them, to leave wills recognizing their wives and children, and to secure their legal and social status - to prove that they were kin, not "strangers in blood." Brown illustrates that the lives and identities of these children were shaped by factors far more complex than "blood." Sons and daughters diverged along paths affected by gender. Some descendants became Metis and espoused Metis nationhood under Louis Riel. Others rejected or were never offered that coursethey passed into white or Indian communities or, in some instances, identified themselves (without prejudice) as "halfbreeds." The fur trade did not coalesce into a single society. Rather, like Rupert's Land, it splintered, and the historical consequences have been with us ever since.

Books about: Memo to a New President or Organize for Disaster

Decision Making for Technology Executives: Using Multiple Perspectives to Improve Performance

Author: Harold A Linston

Become a more effective decision-maker, communicator, and manager by using the valuable techniques described in this unique book. It's designed to help you break away from the constraints of the technologist's "analytical/scientific" viewpoint and employ broader organizational and personal perspectives that strengthen your decision-making ability and leadership skills.

Decision Making for Technology Executives shows you how to utilize this multiple perspective approach to problem-solving and systems development in real-world, outside the laboratory, situations. You learn how this three-dimensional approach has been applied successfully to a wide spectrum of complex systems tasks: from system forecasting to technology assessment, from industrial catastrophes to facility siting decisions, from corporate strategy to acquisition.

Through valuable case studies, such as the Exxon Valdez and Bhopal accidents, you learn lessons on improving technology and risk assessment, forecasting, and crisis management. And through ready-to-implement, practical guidelines you see how to become a more effective decision-maker and manager, while improving communication between technologists and others involved in the decision process.

A one-of-its-kind look at the multiple perspective concept, this guide helps to increase your understanding of complex sociotechnical systems, boost the technologist's effectiveness as an executive, and improve technological risk management, forecasting, and planning.


The technological quick fix mentality still dominates US organizations according to Linstone (emeritus, systems science, Portland State U.). In this update of his (North-Holland, 1984), the author dissects the flaws of traditional attitudes toward problem-solving and offers his methodology for sociotechnical systems based on complexity science. He includes examples from the private and public sectors and guidelines for executives and engineers. Appends further guidelines on such topics as interaction mapping, multiattribute/ multiparty decision structure, and the Delphi Method. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Table of Contents:
2The Usual Perspective and Its Limitations11
3Our Proposed Perspectives31
4Illustrations from the Public Sector77
5Illustrations from the Private Sector111
6Technology: Risk and Assessment149
7Technology: Forecasting and Planning215
8Looking Ahead: Complexity Science, Chaos, and Multiple Perspectives243
9Guidelines for the User263
A.1Interaction Mapping: Digraphs277
A.2Multiattribute/Multiparty Decision Structure280
A.3Assumptional Analysis282
A.5Additional Guidelines for O and P Development290
A.5.1Basic Procedure290
A.5.2On Interviewing291
About the Author303

Triumph of the Image or Small Business Entrepreneurship

Triumph of the Image: The Media's War in the Persian Gulf, A Global Perspective

Author: Hamid Mowlana

The triumph of image over reality and reason is the theme of this book. New communication technologies have made possible the transportation of images and words in real time to hundreds of millions of people around the world. We thought we witnessed the Gulf War as we sat, mesmerized by the imagery. But the studies from the many countries assembled for this book suggest that it was not the war in the Persian Gulf that we witnessed but rather imagery orchestrated to convey a sense of triumph and thus to achieve results that reality and reason could never have achieved.The book offers contributions from thirty-four authors in eighteen countries, including short samplings from the media of several regions. The authors explore the social, economic, and political context of media coverage in their countries, the domination of one image in most of them, and the struggle for alternative perspectives. The authors probe the dynamics of image-making and pose some challenges for the future as well as provide us with a unique glimpse of how the world outside of the United States (as well as many Americans) viewed the war in the Persian Gulf and how the dynamics of image-making and information control operate.Triumph of the Image will be useful to scholars and students in communications and mass media, international relations, political science, cultural studies, propaganda, censorship, and contemporary history as well as to the general public.


Contributions from 35 authors representing 18 countries, as well as short samplings from the media of several regions, provide a welcome perspective on how the world outside the US (as well as many Americans) viewed the Persian Gulf War. The authors, most critical of the images conveyed by the dominant media and of the conduct of the war itself, explore the social, economic, and political context of media coverage in their countries, the domination of one image in most of them, and the struggle for alternative perspectives. No index. Paper edition (unseen), $19.95. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Table of Contents:
Pt. 1Image and Reality
1A Third World War: A Political Economy of the Persian Gulf War and the New World Order3
2Manipulating Hearts and Minds22
3Roots of War: The Long Road of Intervention30
4The Media and the War: What War?51
Pt. 2Many Nations, One Image
5The New World Odour: The Indian Experience67
6The State, the Malaysian Press, and the War in West Asia75
A Sense of Kenbei in Japan88
Japanese Position in the War and Regional Issues88
Japanese Media and the War90
7The War Close to Home: The Turkish Media96
8The Iranian Press and the Persian Gulf War: The Impact of Western News Agencies99
Western Media: Guilty Until Proved Innocent104
9War Reporting: Collateral Damage in the European Theater106
10Ruling by Pooling118
11Innovations of Moral Policy128
12Truth: The First Victim of War?137
13Public Opinion and Media War Coverage in Britain144
A Soviet Snapshot158
Coverage of the Gulf War by the Spanish and Catalonian Media158
The War as Telenovela163
14A Sampling of Editorial Responses from the Middle Eastern Press on the Persian Gulf Crisis166
Pt. 3Coming Back to Reality
15Twisting the U.N. Charter to U.S. Ends175
16CNN: Elites Talking to Elites181
17Exterminating Angels: Morality, Violence, and Technology in the Gulf War202
Back to the Future213
18More Viewing, Less Knowledge216
Joysticks, Manhood, and George Bush's Horse234
19Clusters of Reality Bombed into Bold Relief236
Dangers of the Cultural Invasion?242
20Persian Gulf War, the Movie243
About the Book266
About the Editors and Contributors267

Go to: The Microsoft Crabby Office Lady Tells It Like It Is or Programming the Cell Processor

Small Business Entrepreneurship: An Ethics and Human Relations Perspective

Author: Lavern S Urlacher

Exceptionally how-to, hands-on, and real-world in approach, this guide to starting a small business walks readers step-by-step through a unique entrepreneurial model that fully integrates and explains the interrelationships of the functional areas of business with the human relationship elements. Features profiles of real entrepreneurs engaged in the challenges of starting and managing a variety of small businesses. Covers such topics as: Entrepreneurial Beginnings; Profiles in Entrepreneurship; Ethics a Foundation You Can Build On; Financing Your Business; The SBA Services and Loan Programs, Venture Capitalists, Owner Financing And Other Methods Of Creative Financing; Franchise and Franchise Opportunities; A Finance Supplement: Evaluating Financial Statements, Time Value of Money and Capital Budgeting; Marketing More than a Function, a Customer Information System; Opportunity Based Marketing, and Marketing Research; Accounting For Small Business; Federal and State Filing Forms; Management Information Systems; and The Environment We Operate In. For anyone interested in starting and/or managing a small business.


A textbook for a one-semester course filling in the gaps left by both accounting and traditional business curricula by explaining the practical tasks of setting up and running a small business. Covers the bridge model; the key functions of finance, marketing, accounting, and management; and monitoring information and the greater environment. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Investments with InfoTrac or Marketing

Investments with InfoTrac

Author: Frank K Reilly

Investments is a mainstream, mid-level text for the first undergraduate course. Reilly and Norton cover the major topics logically and concisely, providing a strong base for those who want to do advanced work in investment analysis and valuation. Consistently using real-world examples, the authors convey the importance of theory and its application to real world investing.


This finance textbook introduces the principles and environment of investing, the theories of managing risk in a portfolio, and the analysis of financial statements, stock valuation, and fixed-income securities. The sixth edition reduces the number of chapters to 20 and rearranges their order. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

New interesting book: Fresh Tastes from the Garden State or Cooking Outside the Box

Marketing: Introduction

Author: Gary Armstrong

This accessible, streamlined introduction to marketing by two of today's best-selling marketing authors helps users master the basic principles and practices of modern marketing in an enjoyable and practical way. The new edition is an even more effective text than its predecessors: it is complete, easy to manage, and explains how marketing affects the big picture in business and influences specific company divisions like accounting, information technologies, finance, operations, and human resources. Updated to present the latest marketing thinking, it builds upon a framework which positions marketing as the art and science of creating value for customers in order to capture value from customers in return. An excellent resource and tool for those employed in the field of marketing and sales; especially helpful for employees of global companies.

Table of Contents:


 1. Marketing: Managing Profitable Customer Relationships.

 2. Company and Marketing Strategy: Partnering to Build Customer Relationships.


 3. The Marketing Environment.

 4. Managing Marketing Information.

 5. Consumer and Business Buyer Behavior.


 6. Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning: Building the Right Relationships with the Right Customers.

 7. Product, Services, and Branding Strategies.

 8. New-Product Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies.

 9. Pricing Considerations and Strategies.

10. Marketing Channels and Supply Chain Management.

11. Retailing and Wholesaling.

12. Integrated Marketing Communication: Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Public Relations.

13. Integrated Marketing Communication: Personal Selling and Direct Marketing.


14. Marketing in the Digital Age.

15. The Global Marketplace.

16. Marketing and Society: Social Responsibility and Marketing Ethics.

Appendix 1. Sample Marketing Plan.

Appendix 2. Video Cases (one perchapter).

Appendix 3. Marketing Arithmetic.

Appendix 4. Careers in Marketing.


The Economic System or Winning at Service

The Economic System

Author: Eleanor Doyl

The Economic System provides an accessible account of introductory economics theory that allows students more fully to appreciate the main features and complexity of the Economic System by integrating microeconomic and macroeconomic principles on a topic-by-topic basis.  The purpose of the approach is to allow the student to understand the economy as a system of complex and inter-related features incorporating: consumers, producers, markets and governments based on an understanding of the roles of prices and markets and exchange. This structure provides a context whereby students understand that to analyse issues from an economic perspective often requires the use of both micro- and macroeconomic tools and an appreciation of the interrelationships that exist between them.

An explicit aim in the book is to clarify how models and concepts in economics are useful as tools that support rigorous, methodical and logical analysis and not simply useful to solve mathematical "puzzles" by providing one "correct" answer.

See also: Direction de Ressource Humaine

Winning at Service: Lessons from Service Leaders

Author: Els van Weering

This book reveals the Secrets to Service Success by analyzing four service companies that grew from small beginnings to the leaders in their industries. Interviews with the four CEOs who guided the companies to their success reveal the three basic principles they all share. The CEOs interviewed are Thomas Berglund of Securitas and J. Philip Sorensen of Group4Falck, the world's two largest security companies, Francis Mackay of Compass plc and Pierre Bellon of Sodexho Alliance, the world's two largest food service companies.

Table of Contents:
2The Journey to Leadership9
3Pick Your Game and Play it39
4Leadership at the Heart63
5Passion for People101
6Keep It Simple137
7Winning at Service: Final Words149

Understanding Health Care Budgeting or Texas Real Estate Agency

Understanding Health Care Budgeting

Author: Allen G Herkimer

A plain—English guide to health care budgeting simplifies even the most complex money mattersfor finance pros or beginners. Brimming with real—world examples, spreadsheets, charts, and tables, this refreshing resource provides quick and clear guidance on all hospital spending issuesfrom the most basic to the very sophisticated. It is an enormously helpful reference to help control spending, increase mastery of key budget concepts, strengthen the foundations of operational planning, and speed up problem solving.

Table of Contents:
Contents: Health Care Budgeting * Budget Foundation and Guidelines * Productivity and Production Units * Volume Forecasting * Capital Expenditure Planning * Preliminary Revenue Budget * Salary and Wage Budget * Non-Salary and Wage Budget * Evaluating the Preliminary Budget * Cash Flow Forecast * Master Budget, Control Budget, and Variance Analysis * Humantology of Health Care Budgeting

Interesting book: Marketing Research Project Manual or Human Resource Management with West Group Product Booklet

Texas Real Estate Agency

Author: Donna K K Peeples

Texas Real Estate Agency, 3rd Edition, is the source for the most up-to-date information on agency law and regulations in Texas. You'll find all the information you need for your real estate agency class, written in clear, straightforward language.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Impact of European Integration or Confronting Development

The Impact of European Integration: Political, Sociological, and Economic Changes

Author: George A A Kourvetaris

Although there are many pamphlets and monographs that cover specific aspects of the European Community, the literature seems to lack a single, scholarly reader that gives a complete account of the many dimensions of European integration. This volume, written by a distinguished group of international specialists, seeks to fill this void by pulling together a broad collection of papers focusing on the political, sociological, and economic issues surrounding the European Union. Beginning with a historical look at the genesis, evolution, and theoretical interpretation of the historical process of European integration, the book goes on to analyze the socio-economic structure of the European community and the social forces operating within it. Students and scholars will find this a valuable, flexible, and versatile text for manifold courses in the social sciences; policymakers and general readers will find this a highly informative and readable evaluation of the current state of the European Union.


Primarily addresses the political and sociological aspects of European integration and only secondarily the better studied economic aspects or the role of the European Union as an international organization; and considers institutional, sociocultural, constitutional, administrative, and security integration as well as economic and political. Among the 14 topics are the capitalist class, small-scale industry development, the agricultural strata, participation of immigrants, and organized interests. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Table of Contents:
1The Logic of European Integration9
2The Socioeconomic Structure of The European Union39
3The Capitalist Class in The European Union55
4Small-Scale Industry Development Controversies and The European Union75
5The Agricultural Strata in The European Union and The Common Agricultural Policy97
6Asking for the Moon: The Political Participation of Immigrants in The European Union131
7Attitudes Toward European Integration: Ethnic and Cultural Dimensions151
8Organized Interests in The European Union169
9The Nature of Political Parties in The European Union201
10The European Parliament233
11European Union and Local Government: The Challenges of Integration and Internationalization253
12Political European Integration: Integration Requisites271
13The Limits of The European Union: The Question of Enlargement287
14Return to Decadent Europe: Debating Europe's Security299
Annotated Bibliography313
About the Editors and Contributors331

Book review: Chocolate Companion or Paris Bistro Cooking

Confronting Development: Assessing Mexico's Economic and Social Policy Challenges

Author: Kevin J Middlebrook

Since the 1980s, Mexico has alternately served as a model of structural economic reform and as a cautionary example of the limitations associated with market-led development. Because of the importance of the Mexican experience in continuing debates about options available to developing countries, the twenty-three contributors to this book provide a comprehensive, interdisciplinary assessment of the principal economic and social policies adopted by Mexico during the 1980s and 1990s.

Mexico was a pioneer in the shift away from state-led industrialization and the adoption of market-oriented policies. As a consequence, Mexico emerged as Latin America’s largest exporter of manufactured goods, which provided the country’s most dynamic source of economic growth. Yet trade and investment expansion also significantly increased the Mexican economy’s vulnerability to external shocks. A profound financial crisis in 1994-95 deeply affected Mexico’s economic stability and rate of growth, and raised persistent questions about whether the country’s new economic model is capable of achieving sustained growth and equitable socioeconomic development.

The topics covered in the book are (1) macroeconomic and financial policies, including the impact of the adjustment process on growth, inflation, foreign and domestic debt burdens, the Mexican banking system, and foreign investment; (2) trade, export-led growth, and industrial policies, with attention to key actors and strategies behind the rapid expansion of Mexican manufactured exports and the limitations of this export-led growth model for national development; (3) social policies and rural developmentissues, focusing on education, health care, pensions, and problems affecting rural Mexico; and (4) poverty, inequality, and employment problems, notably income distribution and poverty trends, the efficacy of poverty-alleviation policies, urban and regional disparities, and the effects of economic liberalization on employment and wage levels. A final overview section analyzes the Mexican development experience of the 1980s and 1990s in historical and comparative context.

Office or Digital Signal Transmission

Office: Procedures and Technology

Author: Mary Ellen Oliverio

THE OFFICE: PROCEDURES AND TECHNOLOGY is a comprehensive office procedures text for high school students, which provides essential skills for success in today's business world. The text is designed to teach knowledge and skills that are needed in a variety of careers where workers communicate, manage information, use technology, handle records, work with others, and solve problems in an office setting. The activities in the text are task-oriented, requiring students to apply knowledge and skills learned to complete an assignment or solve a problem. The text has three types of feature boxes in each chapter: Online Resources, providing information on our product Web site that relates to the chapter and professional organizations such as ARMA; Workplace Connections provide comments from fictional business employees related to material presented in the chapter; and Focus On... offering information on current topics of special interest.

Table of Contents:
PART 1 THE OFFICE IN THE BUSINESS WORLD: 1 The Office in a Changing Business World. 2 Office Competencies. PART 2 COMMUNICATING EFFECTIVELY: 3 Communicating in the Office. PART 3 MANAGING INFORMATION TO ENHANCE PRODUCTIVITY: 4 Information, A Vital Business Resource. 5 Communicating in Written Form. 6 Communicating Via Presentation. 7 Processing and Understanding Financial Information. PART 4 MANAGING TIME, TASKS, AND RECORDS: 8 Time and Work station Management. 9 Meetings and Travel. 10 Records Management Systems. 11 Managing Records. PART 5 MAIL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS: 12 Processing Mail. 13 Telephone Systems and Procedures. 14 Telecommunications Systems. PART 6 PERSONAL AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT: 15 Planning and Advancing Your Career. 16 Working with Others.

Look this: Thomas Paine and the Promise of America or Collateral Damage

Digital Signal Transmission

Author: Chris C Bissell

This book provides an up-to-date and thorough grounding in the concepts of modern digital transmission. It is written in a pedagogic style, aimed at enabling readers to understand the fundamental concepts and processes. System descriptions are included, however the text also explains the basic techniques of transmission, and includes the necessary mathematical background.The basic processes, such as matched filter detection, pulse shaping, line coding, channel coding, error detection and correction, etc. are described in the central part of the book. Understanding the concepts behind these processes requires a grasp of basic mathematical models, and this is provided in the first part of the book. Finally, to put the processes in context, the third part describes elements of the public switched telephone network. The book is written throughout in a modern, digital context, and is comprehensively illustrated with helpful figures. Although the models (time- and frequency-domain concepts) have wider relevance, they are developed specifically for modeling digital systems. The processes described are those found in current transmission systems, and the description of the PSTN includes an outline of newly formulated standards for the synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH), SONET and for broadband ISDN (ATM).

Marxs Concept of Money or Public Economics

Marx's Concept of Money: The God of Commodities

Author: Anitra Nelson

This ground-breaking study places Marx's theory of money within the wider context of his political and philosophical thought, with particular reference to "alienation."

Table of Contents:
1Introduction: The context of Marx's 'money' in brief1
2An alienation theory of money5
3Monetary system, credit system, crisis23
4The Grundrisse41
5A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy79
6Money and the advance of capital117
7The money commodity, commodity fetishism and scientific dialectics154
8Conclusion: Marxian responses to Marx's 'money'187

Book about: Prince or Takeover

Public Economics

Author: Gareth D Myles

This up-to-date new textbook provides a thorough treatment of all the central topics in public economics. Aimed at senior undergraduate and graduate students, it will also be invaluable to professional economists and to those teaching in the field. The book is entirely self-contained, giving all the equilibrium theory and welfare economics needed to understand the analyses. The author covers the Arrow-Debreu economy, welfare economics and the measurement of inequality and povery which lay the foundations and emphasize the important role played by information. Within the competitive economy, he examines commodity taxation, income taxation and tax reform in a certain environment. He goes on to study the public economics of uncertainty, and then treats public goods, externalities, imperfect competition and tax evasion as departures from the standard competitive assumptions and looks at their implication for public economics derived. Finally, after treatment of the overlapping generations economy, he addresses intertemporal issues concerning social security and debts.