Thursday, December 18, 2008

Undergraduate Introduction to Financial Mathematics or An Introduction to Modern Bayesian Econometrics

Undergraduate Introduction to Financial Mathematics

Author: J Robert Buchanan

This textbook provides an introduction to financial mathematics and financial engineering for undergraduate students who have completed a three or four semester sequence of calculus courses. It introduces the theory of interest, random variables and probability, stochastic processes, arbitrage, option pricing, hedging, and portfolio optimization. The student progresses from knowing only elementary calculus to understanding the derivation and solution of the Black-Scholes partial differential equation and its solutions. This is one of the few books on the subject of financial mathematics which is accessible to undergraduates having only a thorough grounding in elementary calculus. It explains the subject matter without "hand waving" arguments and includes numerous examples. Every chapter concludes with a set of exercises which test the chapter's concepts and fill in details of derivations.

New interesting book: Language of Baklava or Betty Crocker Cooking Basics

An Introduction to Modern Bayesian Econometrics

Author: Tony Lancaster

In this new and expanding area, Tony Lancaster’s text is the first comprehensive introduction to the Bayesian way of doing applied economics.

• Uses clear explanations and practical illustrations and problems to present innovative, computer-intensive ways for applied economists to use the Bayesian method;

• Emphasizes computation and the study of probability distributions by computer sampling;

• Covers all the standard econometric models, including linear and non-linear regression using cross-sectional, time series, and panel data;

• Details causal inference and inference about structural econometric models;

• Includes numerical and graphical examples in each chapter, demonstrating their solutions using the S programming language and Bugs software

• Supported by online supplements, including Data Sets and Solutions to Problems, at

Table of Contents:
1The Bayesian algorithm1
2Prediction and model criticism70
3Linear regression models112
4Bayesian calculations183
5Non-linear regression models227
6Randomized, controlled and observational data265
7Models for panel data277
8Instrumental variables311
9Some time series models342
App. 1A conversion manual259
App. 2Programming365
App. 3BUGS code375

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