Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Developmentalism and Dependency in Southeast Asia or Emerging Companies Guide

Developmentalism and Dependency in Southeast Asia: The Case of the Automotive Industry

Author: Jason P Abbott

This book provides a detailed cross-country study of the automotive industry in South East Asia. Abbot argues that, contrary to prevailing opinion, the diffusion of manufacturing in the Asia-Pacific has been characterized by hierarchical networks of production linked to Japan for technology.

Table of Contents:
List of tables
1International political economy, development and the state: implications for the study of Southeast Asia10
2Southeast Asia's economic development in the Global and Regional Political Economy35
3Indonesia: Soeharto and the neo-patrimonial state57
4Malaysia: managing foreign capital80
5Thailand: from a bureaucratic polity to the politics of corruption98
6The automobile industry in Southeast Asia in comparative perspective119

Read also Métrica y Modelos en Ingeniería de Calidad de Software

Emerging Companies Guide: A Resource for Professionals and Entrepreneurs

Author: Robert L Brown

This guide-book includes forms and checklists for such topics as new product development, marketing, and growth and exit strategies. A companion CD-ROM is also included.

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